Category: Information Visualiation
The Power of Words
We all know that it is important to choose your words wisely in the business world. Below are a few of the more important word choices you can make. I bookmarked this a few years ago and thought I would share it. Think about these two words: spend and invest. Would you like your bank…
A primer to communication – 1953 film
The basics of communication presented in this 1953 introduction to "the era of communication" (aka the information age) are still true in 2003. Transmission, noise, redundancy, distortion… misunderstanding. Charles and Ray Eames were husband and wife, not brothers. They were not initially architects. Ray was a visual artist. This is a classic Eames film and…
Insert Map feature of Windows Live Writer…not bad..not good either
This is a short test to see how the insert map feature of Windows Live Writer works. I think I am ready to give this product my endorsement. The push pin is a bit ugly though…I mean come on.
Justification of Ockham’s Razor as a principle of reasoning
Scientists use the principle of Ockham’s Razor as their guide. Ockham’s Razor states that when there are multiple consistent theories are being considered, the choice should be the simplest one. Simple theories have an intuitive appeal, but that is not a justification of Ockham’s Razor as a principle of reasoning. A justification should demonstrate that…
Powerpoint on Powerpoint – rules we should all use
Here is a great presentation on how to use powerpoint.